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Stories of Hope

Dec 31, 2020

When I first arrived in Sydney I met up with the Reverend Graham Long AM from the wayside chapel and I soon discovered that he is actually not all that Reverent at all, in the traditional sense. I like him.

Dec 29, 2020

At an Aussie kids camp, for a construction elective, kids made wooden kazoos for themselves and extras for kids in an orphanage in Nepal. How cool is that?

Dec 27, 2020

Winter is over and what a winter 2020 has been. Spring is here now and new hope and possibilities are blossoming. Not all seasons are easy, but they can often teach us something important if we are willing to learn.

Dec 24, 2020

Hannah Hathway is an absolutely fabulous young woman - always has been. To hear her share her journey through the ravages of bulimia and self harm and out the other side, is just breathtaking.

Dec 22, 2020

Each year 84 year John Allen puts on a Christmas lights display at his house and families come from all over the place to experience the beautiful nativity scene and to see Bella - the Santa dog. Its lovely!