Jul 28, 2024
Lots of things go wrong in life. Collingwood can snatch defeat form the jaws of victory, people get injured the week before running a marathon and for the lovely Sue, it was an unexpected issue with her leg. Prayer can bring a posture of hope that helps us be alert to the ways love and joy can find its way into...
Jul 25, 2024
Dean Clifford was born with a rare skin disease and was often referred to as a cotton wool baby or a butterfly wing baby as his skin was extremely delicate. His life expectancy was maybe 5 years, but against the odds, he is now in his 40s and going strong. He is a motivational speaker and lives a high quality life.
Jul 21, 2024
Many people experience a time in their life when they find their
calling and experience a heightened zest for life. For many
Christians being filled with the Holy Spirit is one of the ways we
understand this: God purposes and power entering into our
Not all enthusiasm is of God though! The lovely Sue's...
Jul 18, 2024
Rodney Walters grew up in the small town of Mt Barker in South Australia to officer parents and moved around a lot as a child. He went to 9 schools! He resisted becoming a Salvo officer as he wanted to have the opportunity to travel. Turns out Rodney is the epitome of the saying "Join the Army - see the world"
Jul 14, 2024
The apostle Peter had a vision about a sheet filled with ceremonially unclean animals floating down from heaven. A voice told him to kill and eat what for centuries prior in his tradition had been unclean. It seems some things we think are true about God's ways can change.