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Stories of Hope

Jan 2, 2022

The lovely Sue has a saying. It’s better to be married to a goat than a Fox. She generally trusts me, however she let me choose the frames for my glasses once, but has never trusted me to do it again.

Dec 26, 2021

Social media seems to produce a lot of insecurity as we look at others and compare. When we find ways to celebrate others successes and genuinely care when they struggle, we find a more childlike, beautiful way to love.

May 16, 2021

Everyone needs a purpose and a sense of meaning in their lives and loving people, even in seemingly small ways, can fulfill a life in surprisingly satisfying ways.  Three things remain; faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love

May 9, 2021

I bite my nails and it drives the lovely Sue a bit mental.  However she perseveres with me and still loves me, most of the time.  All lasting friendships and loving relationships require perseverance and a good measure of grace to flourish.

May 2, 2021

At the Salvos Drug and Alcohol recovery center in Brisbane there is a sign on the front office wall which says “There is Hope”. Love always hopes and believes in a person’s potential - especially when they are struggling.