Apr 29, 2020
Saty left home in India when he was just ten years old and lived
on the streets of Calcutta. He eventually came to Australia
on the promise of a better life, but he was actually an unpaid
domestic slave for three years.
Saty has been connected with the Salvos for over a year now.
In this episode I share his...
Apr 26, 2020
As a result of Covid 19 restrictions I have been on a massive techy learning curve. here I chat about 19 new programs I now use and basically what they do. Maybe some of these could be useful to you too?
Apr 24, 2020
This is episode 1.
19 things I've done in the last 6 weeks that I wouldn't normally do.
Episode 2 is my newest 19 computer and tech skills. That will be posted on Monday.
Apr 21, 2020
The story of how my father in law, John Allen became the reason we have an award presented every year at the Salvos fishing trip to Fraser Island.
Apr 19, 2020
It was when the food came out that the Emmaus walkers recognized Jesus. Maybe sharing meals together is at the heart of finding God and experiencing true community?